Top 5 Reasons You Should Get a Professional for Your Oil Change

Top 5 Reasons You Should Get a Professional for Your Oil Change

Depending on the type of car you are driving, you may need to change your oil between 3000 to 8000 miles. This is to ensure that your car’s engine will always be properly lubricated. Remember, failure to change oil could cause serious damage to your car’s engine or affect the fuel efficiency of your car. 

Anyone can change the oil of their cars as long as they have the necessary equipment to do so, but it would be advisable that you get a professional to do it for you instead. Here are five reasons you should hire a professional to get your oil change.

Reasons to Get your Oil Change Professionally

Reason #1: Personal Safety

When it comes to changing your car’s oil, you will certainly need to lift up your car with a jack. Although jacks nowadays are very safe to use, there is still that slight possibility of an accident, especially if you have put the jack in the incorrect spot.

To avoid that kind of problem, it would be best to leave this kind of thing to the professionals since they have undergone all the necessary training to avoid such injuries and accidents.

Reason #2: Best Product Selection

One thing about changing the oil of your car, you will need to buy the oil itself. With hundreds of different brands and types, it would be best to leave it to the professional to ensure that your car’s engine runs smoothly without any problems.

Most auto shops will be able to select which is best for your car and what additional fluids it may require to keep the engine in tip-top shape.

Reasons #3: Save Time

First and foremost, changing your car’s oil by yourself will definitely take some time, especially if you are still new to the process. There are even times when you will lack the necessary tools and products for the oil change, which will further cause delays in the process.

Professional auto mechanics will be able to change your car’s engine oil easily within a few minutes or so.

Reason #4: Avoid Messes

Another thing about changing your car’s engine oil is the mess that it could cause to you and your place. Changing the oil yourself could leave you with stained clothes and hands, and your floor will be pretty messy after the whole process.

At least, if you get your oil changed in an auto shop, then you won’t have to worry about any messes to you and your place.

Reason #5: Find Out Whether Other Issues

One of the best things about hiring a professional to do your car’s oil-change is that they will be able to pinpoint some other issues that your car might have. These issues can range from very small ones to crucial ones that may result in an accident if not fixed.

Other fluids that your car may need, such as steering and brake fluid, are also checked during the oil change. These fluids are essential and might get you into a traffic accident if not refilled.

Final Thoughts

It is undeniable that changing your car’s oil by yourself can save you quite a bit of cash, but it won’t be worth it at all. There is the possibility of you getting into an accident if you somehow got it wrong. The whole process takes quite a bit of time if done by an amateur. The messes and stains it might leave on your clothes and driveway.

So, if you want to get your oil change, your best bet would be to get a professional to do it for you.

Fast, Affordable and Reliable Oil Change

Fast, Affordable and Reliable Oil Change

If you are in search of a fast, affordable, and reliable oil changing service in the Brampton area, Valvoline Express Care is an excellent selection.  The Valvoline Express Care Automotive Centre in Brampton has been providing exceptional automotive service for over 20 years. They offer a wide array of oils and filters to choose from, to ensure you get the right products for your vehicle to keep it running smoothly and efficiently. Bring your vehicle in for an oil change and get a check up to make sure your car is operating at peak performance, and that it is safe to drive for you and your passengers.

Oil Change Services Brampton

Valvoline Express Care offers a quick and easy oil change solution, so you don’t have to worry about taking too much time out of your busy schedule. Just show up at the service centre in Brampton, no need to make an appointment in advance. The efficient and effective oil change technicians will have you in and out in no time. You can also discuss with them, the best and type of oil and filter for your vehicle.

Why choose Valvoline Express Care for oil changes?

There are several strong arguments for using the services at Valvoline to preserve the value and enhance the performance of your vehicle.

Some advantages of using Valvoline are:

  • Enhance performance
  • Save money
  • Protect the engine
  • Choose quality products
  • Preserve warranty
  • Convenience
  • Enhance Performance

One of the major reasons for having your oil changed consistently is to keep your car functioning at optimal levels.

Clean oil allows the engine to do its job efficiently and friction-free. Oil gets dirty and ineffectual over time. Eventually unchanged oil will begin to fill up with dirt and debris. If the oil gets too filthy, it can no longer provide proper lubrication, causing friction between the metal components of the engine.

Oil changes can help you save money

This bonus of consistent oil changes that I’m sure every car owner can get behind. Why spend more money than you need to?

 The only issue with this approach is that it takes some foresight on the part of the owner. Not everyone is willing to invest short term money, in order to save big in the long run.

Regular oil changes will help you avoid large and terrifying mechanic bills when your car breaks down because it wasn’t properly cared for. The cost repairing an engine is no joke. It is best to avoid that situation altogether if possible.

Not only that, clean oil allows for better fuel economy. The engine doesn’t have to work as hard when it is provided with clean oil on a consistent basis.

Oil changes help you protect the engine

Clean oil can help protect your engine from all kinds of problems like:

  • Metal-on-metal friction
  • Build up of dirt and debris
  • Sludge formation
  • Overheating

Contaminated oil can severely damage your engine. Lack of lubrication opens the door to the potential for the engine to overheat, and even seize up entirely. If dirt oil is left unchecked long enough it can start to turn to sludge, massively inhibiting engine performance.

Choose Quality Oil Change Products

The option to choose from a variety of products is incredibly beneficial for your vehicle. All motor oils are quite different from one another, so it is important to choose the one that works best with your vehicle. Valvoline offers various different oils, for different purposes. For example, let’s take a look at Valvoline Max Life Synthetic Blend. This type of oil is more geared towards older vehicles, in particular cars with over 75,000 miles on them.

Max Life Synthetic Blend motor oil focuses on minimizing further engine wear by:

  • Improving engine power
  • Enhancing fuel economy
  • Preventing oil leaks
  • Minimizing total oil consumption
  • This is just one example of the many product choices on offer at Valvoline Express Care.

Oil Changes can help preserve warranty

With a lot of vehicle warranties, the validity hinges on regular oil changes done by an automotive professional.  Check your warranty to see if there are any stipulations outlining required services that are needed to keep the warranty binding.


This may be one of the best perks of using a professional oil change service. Trying to change your oil on your own can be very time consuming, not to mention dangerous if you don’t know what you are doing. Doing the job incorrectly can result in hefty fees to fix it. It is also not safe to do it yourself without the proper equipment and knowledge.

Which is the right choice- Conventional or Synthetic Oil for an Oil Change?

Which is the right choice- Conventional or Synthetic Oil for an Oil Change?

Looking for motor oil that offers the best protection, a better fuel economy, and even a longer engine life?
One of the biggest debates amongst car owners is whether synthetic oil or conventional oil is better for the longevity and overall health of a vehicle. You can probably guess that synthetic oil is higher quality due to its high price tag, but you may not know exactly why. In order to make a more informed decision next time you drive over to oil change Brampton; let’s get a few things straight.

Oil change Brampton – what you need to know

  • First, you should understand what makes these two types of oil so different. Conventional is mostly crude oil that is pumped up from the ground. Afterwards, it goes through a refining process to get rid of contaminates, such as sulfur or heavy metals. On the other hand, synthetic is a man-made oil engine lubricant that is developed in the laboratory, rather than nature. Because of that, it has fewer imperfections in their chemical buildup than conventional does. No matter how much the motor oil is refined, it will not be as pure as synthetic oil.

Oil change Brampton: which oil is better for your ride?

  • Synthetic Oil: synthetic at oil change Brampton is specially formulated to provide enhanced engine performance over conventional oil. As result, synthetic oil will help to reduce engine wear and improve gas mileage on hard working engines. Winter is the perfect time to consider the switch to a full-synthetic motor oil because it protects your engine during a cold start. With synthetic, the engine oil cranks easy when the car sits over an extended period of time (let’s say overnight), and has oil circulating sooner. Synthetic oils have excellent properties that allow it to maintain their viscosity at higher temperatures. And best of all, drivers that use this thinner, free flowing synthetic won’t need to change their oil as often because it can go longer before breaking down. Despite being more expensive, synthetic oil gets you further down the road than conventional oil.


  • Conventional Oil: the petroleum based oil does not work well under extreme weather conditions. It creates the most pollutants of any type of oil by emitting a large amount of sulfur into the air as it is burned. The hard to pump thick and sticky oil will degrade faster than other types of motor oil. In colder months, the process of firing up your ignition and getting your oil to flow smoothly may take even longer. In extreme heat, conventional oil breaks down faster and leave deposits, which can lead to vehicle failure. Biggest downside to this lube? You’ll have to make more frequent oil changes. On the bright side, conventional oil will cost you a bit less compared to synthetic. At oil change Brampton, conventional might be a good fit if you don’t drive far very often.

Final say

When it comes to vehicle’s maintenance at oil change Brampton, you can never be too careful. Although it’s proven that synthetic oil provides better protection for a vehicle, having an oil change done according to the vehicle manufacturer’s recommendation is still the best option for protecting the overall performance and life of a vehicle.
At Valvoline Express Care Brampton, our qualified technicians know that every engine deserves great oil. That’s why our top of the line motor oils is specifically designed to meet the needs of different engine types and driving conditions. If your car needs an oil change, let us be your first stop!

Get Your Vehicle Geared Up for Winter with an Oil Change

Get Your Vehicle Geared Up for Winter with an Oil Change

One good way to get your vehicle ready for the upcoming winter season is to give it some fresh oil.

Your car depends on clean oil to operate effectively and maximize performance.

This is particularly important entering the winter season in Canada. Canadian winters can be especially cruel to your beloved automobile.

Harsh elements like snow, ice, slush, snow, and salt can make your car engine work harder than normal. Plus, new oil responds better in cold weather conditions and extreme environmental changes.

You caneven take it one step further and use a specialized oil like SynPower Full Synthetic motor oil by Valvoline.

SynPower Full Synthetic oil offers your engine optimal protection against high temperatures in summer and low temperatures in winter.

Oil Change Brampton

For reliable oil changes, and any other automotive maintenance you may need in the Brampton, Mississauga, and Toronto area, Valvoline Express Care is a highly recommended solution.

Valvoline Express Care Brampton

Valvoline Express Care is an experienced and dependable automotive service provider for drivers all across the GTA.

For expert services from oil changes to rust proofing, you can count on the expert technicians at Valvoline Express Care for quality assistance every time you visit.

With well over 20 years experience in automotive care and support, Oil Change Brampton services will keep your car running at optimal performance levels.

Why Change your Oil for the Winter?

Regular oil changes are a necessary part routine vehicular maintenance. How often your oil needs to be changed depends on a number of factors, such as:

  • Type of vehicle
  • Type of oil used
  • Driving conditions
  • Age of vehicle
  • Duration of long trips
  • Driving frequency
  • Engine temperature

Opinions on how often your oil should be changed can differ immensely, depending on who you are talking to. It is recommended to follow the guidelines set out in the owner’s manual of your vehicle if you are having any doubts.

Many experts would agree that the frequency of required oil changes increases during the winter.

Reasons Oil Changes may be Needed More Often in the Winter

The oil change Brampton services offered at Valvoline Express Care may be required more frequently in the winter for a few different reasons.

One of the main reasons is increased contamination of your engine’s oil in the winter months.

These elevated contamination levels are caused by two main factors:

  1. Water
  2. Fuel

How does water accelerate contamination?

Water gets into the lubrication system of your vehicle more easily in the winter due to a build up of condensation on the engine block in cold weather.

This problem occurs when the engine doesn’t get enough time to warm up while you are driving. This problem is inflated if you are taking short trips in your car on a daily basis.

If too much water gets into the oil, the oil ventilation system can seize up and freeze, causing an oil leak.

How Does Fuel Get into the Lubrication System?

Another problem the lubrication system faces in the winter is the possibility of fuel getting in and mixing with the oil.

This can happen with fuel injected engines that create too rich a mixture in the cold weather, injecting small amounts of fuel into the lubrication system with the oil.

Unburned fuel can sometimes trickle down into the oil pan in low temperatures.

Too much fuel mixed in with the oil decreases its viscosity, making it a less effective lubricator for the engine.

Problems with too much water or fuel mixing in with the oil can lead to serious engine damage and hefty mechanic bills.

Oil Change Brampton to Prepare for Winter

Get ahead of winter’s damaging effects on your vehicle with an oil change at Valvoline Express Care.

When is a Good Time for an Oil Change?

When is a Good Time for an Oil Change?

Anytime is a good time for an oil change. Oil is the driving force of your vehicle’s engine, and it needs to be kept fresh to maximize performance and prevent engine damage.

There are many aspects of routine maintenance that are required to keep your car in good working form. Regular oil changes may be the best thing you can do for your vehicle to keep it running smoothly, and to help preserve the value.

As luck would have it, oil changes are also one of the least expensive services you can have performed on your vehicle. Dishing out the affordable fee for a professional oil change is well worth the investment.

Without the investment of consistent oil changes, you are looking at paying a much higher expense down the road for repairs or even an engine replacement.

Also, by getting your oil changed at the recommended intervals, you will have the benefit of an automotive professional inspecting your vehicle for other potential problems.

When it comes to auto maintenance, preventative care is the best approach.

Oil Change Brampton

For drivers and car owners living in Brampton, and the neighboring areas around the GTA, Valvoline Express Care offers an assortment of services to keep your vehicle operating at optimal levels.

The expert automotive technicians at Valvoline Express Care specialize in oil changes, and many other services to help you avoid hefty mechanic bills and the deterioration of your vehicle.

You will have the option to choose one of the many quality motor oils available at Valvoline Express Care, depending on which one would be most effective for your vehicle.

When should you oil be changed?

The frequency of recommended oil changes depends on a couple different factors like the model and make of your vehicle, as well as the road and weather conditions you are driving in on a daily basis.

The general rule of thumb is to have your oil changed every 3000 – 5000 kms. Check the owner’s manual for your vehicle to find out more about routine maintenance.

The more often you have your oil changed, the more efficiently your car will run.

Why does your motor oil need to be changed?

Oil is the lifeblood of your vehicle. It is required to operate the engine, prevent it from overheating, and reduce excess friction from its many moving metal components.

Just as humans need blood to survive, vehicles need oil to perform.

However, unlike with humans, oil needs to be changed regularly because it becomes dirty and ineffective.

Over time oil begins to lose its viscosity, and therefore its lubricative properties. It also begins to build up with contaminants and sludge.

Not only that, the active additives in the oil are reduced and weakened as time goes on, leaving the oil ineffective.

Factors That Influence How Often Your Oil Should Be Changed

There are several factors that come into play that can help determine how often you should be getting your oil changed.

Some of these factors are:

  • Severe driving conditions
    • Extreme temperatures
      • Excessive heat and humidity
      • Temps dipping below the freezing point
    • Ice, snow, and slush
    • Road salt
  • Regularly driving in stop and go traffic with a lot of idling
    • Try to avoid quick acceleration and sudden stops
  • Routine repetition of short excursions of 5 km or less
  • Pulling a trailer or transporting other heavy items

These factors are what is known as severe driving conditions. They can affect how often your oil needs to be changed because your engine has to work harder if exposed to these elements on a continual basis.

Stop by Valvoline Express Care today for an oil change and routine check up.

10 Reasons to Change your Oil Regularly

10 Reasons to Change your Oil Regularly

Your car engine is an intricate and complex piece of machinery, but one simple fact about your engine is that it needs fresh oil to run efficiently.

Neglecting to change your oil at recommended intervals can lead to the deterioration of your engine, and eventual seizure or even shutdown.

Once that happens you are looking at some potentially terrifying expenses for engine repair or replacement.

It is much easier to stay ahead of the game with preventative measures like routine oil changes.

Oil Change Brampton

Valvoline Express Care is an experienced and professional automotive service provider in Brampton.

Oil changes being just one aspect of the full vehicular maintenance services offered at Valvoline Express Care, you can get all your automotive needs handled at Valvoline expertly and efficiently.

Oil changes are recommended every 5000 km or so, depending on the make and model of your vehicle as well as your daily driving conditions. Check your owner’s manual to be sure.

10 Reasons for Routine Oil Changes

There are many good reasons not to miss your regularly scheduled oil changes.

Here are a few of the most important ones:

  • Performance
  • Protection
  • Reduce friction
  • Efficiency
  • Prevent overheating
  • Remove contaminants
  • Prevent leaks
  • Better fuel economy
  • Extended vehicle life
  • Cleaner emissions


Clean oil is the key ingredient to a highly performing engine. Clean oil improves performance by:

  • Providing lubrication
  • Reducing wear and tear
  • Keeps the engine cool


Fresh oil protects the engine form damage to all its many moving parts. Oil provides the lubrication necessary to prevent metal components from grinding against each other that can seriously damage the engine.

Clean oil also helps condensation from gathering in the engine, which could lead to corrosion.

Reducing Friction

Oil that remains in the engine past its due date means it is not providing adequate protection against friction.

The more friction, the more potential damage to your engine.

Increasing Efficiency

The older oil gets, the less efficient it becomes in running and protecting the engine. As time goes on, oil loses its viscosity and begins to accumulate with sludge and debris.

If the sludge build-up goes too far, it may result in engine seizure.

Preventing Overheating

As oil quality begins to deteriorate, your engine has to work harder to compensate. The oil in your engine also gradually burns away over time. If your oil reaches dangerously low levels, engine problems are sure to follow.

Removing Contaminants

Over time, contaminants, impurities, and even shards of metal begin to accumulate in oil. Obviously, shards of metal in your oil is not good for the engine.

Regular oil changes make sure contaminants are flushed out.

Preventing Leaks

Oil leaks are another issue that may occur if the oil goes long enough unchanged and unchecked. If your oil level is low, it could be an indication of a leak.

Routine oil changes ensure these types of problems are taken care before they start.

Better Fuel Economy

Clean oil, means a more efficiently running engine, means reduced fuel consumption.

Investing in consistent oil changes usually means saving money in other areas.

Extended Vehicle Life

Do you want your vehicle to last as long a possible?

If you are looking to get longevity and high performance out of your vehicle, regular oil changes are a must.

Cleaner Emissions

When your car is running on clean oil, you are being more environmentally responsible.