Are you thinking about trying to cut costs when it comes to oil changes? Taking shortcuts when it comes to car maintenance can end up costing you a lot more in the long run. Owning a vehicle can be an expensive and demanding endeavor. Regular upkeep and continual expenses are par for the course when you own an automobile. These facts are unavoidable. It can seem overwhelming with insurance payments, cost of fuel, repairs, and maintenance. However, if you are looking to reduce your automotive expenses, sacrificing regular maintenance is not the way to do it. In fact, skimping on maintenance costs will most likely have the opposite effect. Sure, skipping a scheduled oil change may save you a couple bucks, but when your engine needs to be replaced a few months down the road, you will have saved nothing. Instead, you will be looking at a massive mechanic bill. Consistent oil changes are critical for your vehicle’s performance and value.
Importance of Oil Changes
Changing your car’s oil on a regular basis is essential for many reasons. Routine oil changes help:
Keep the engine lubricated and running smoothly
Prevent overheating by removing heat from engine components to keep it cool
Reducing friction in piston ring and creating an enclosed seal between the cylinder liner and the piston
Keep the engine clean, old oil becomes dirty from a build up of debris
Prevent rusting and corrosion
Improve fuel efficiency
Preserve the value of the vehicle
As you can see, clean oil results in lots of positives for your vehicle’s performance. Fresh oil is essential for engine efficiency and preservation.
Oil Changing Experts
Now that it has been established that consistent oil changes are important, next we will explore why leaving oil changes to the experts is a highly recommended practice. Some reasons to have your oil changed by a professional are:
Save time and headaches
Get a check up while you get your oil changed
Quality service
Quality products
Saving Time and Headaches
Changing your own oil can be a very involved and challenging process. First, you need to make sure you have all the right equipment. Then you must have a good place to perform the oil change. Do you have a hydraulic lift to easily access the undercarriage of your vehicle? Also, you need to make sure you know where the oil pan is located and how to drain it properly. Another thing you want to avoid, is oil spills all over your driveway or garage. A professional will change your oil in a quick and efficient manner.
Routine Inspection
When having your oil changed by a professional, you can have a check up done at the same time to see if there are any other issues that need to be addressed.
Quality Service
An expert oil changing technician will have a lot of experience with oil changes, so you can expect the same high-quality service and efficiency every time.
Quality Products
Not all motor oils are the same. In fact, there is a huge variety of oils out there that will do different things for your vehicle. With a professional, you can discuss what type of oil is right for your car to achieve optimal performance. You will also have a selection of oils to choose from.
Valvoline Express Care Brampton
If you are seeking a reputable and experienced automotive service in the Brampton area, then Valvoline Express Care is an ideal solution. With over 20 years experience in automotive care, you will be sure to experience top of the line service and products every time. Valvoline Express Care has a variety of oils on hand, to ensure you get the best oil for your vehicle.
A lot of car owners don’t think about different types of oil when going for an oil change. But, the truth is, various types of oil do different things for your engine.
One major distinction between oil types is: Regular oil vs. Synthetic oil.
What’s the difference?
The major difference between synthetic and regular oil is the enhanced protection and performance synthetic motor oil provides for your vehicle.
But, the differences don’t stop there. In fact, about the only thing the same about regular oil and synthetic oil, is that they both originate in the ground.
Beyond that, the two substances are vastly different.
Most people don’t think of high quality when they hear the word synthetic. Usually it means fake or low quality. However, this is not true when it comes to oil. When talking about oil, synthetic typically refers to a superior product.
The word synthetic means fabricated or manufactured, which is exactly what synthetic oil is.
How is synthetic oil made?
Manufacturing synthetic oil is a complex and intensive process. Synthetic oil is refined and broken down to a molecular level. Through a distillation process, the impurities in the oil are extracted and the molecules are then customized to meet the specific needs of today’s car engines.
When synthetic oil is tailored to particular engine needs like this, it helps afford a higher level of performance and also better protection for your engine.
Other useful additives are then combined with the oil to produce a synthetic blend.
Benefits of Synthetic Motor Oil
There are plenty of advantages to be gained for your vehicle by using synthetic oil. Some of these benefits include:
Reduced engine wear
Cleaner engine
Better performance in extreme temperatures
Protection of engine components
Lasts longer
Reduced Engine Wear
The metal parts of your engine are in continual contact with one another. Without oil, the friction created by this contact would destroy your engine very quickly. So, it stands to reason, that higher quality oil would provide added lubrication.
Regular oils break down more quickly, leaving your engine exposed to damaged if not changed promptly when it is time for an oil change.
Synthetic oils provide longer lasting protection against engine wear.
Cleaner Engine
Synthetic oil also helps keep your engine cleaner and running more smoothly. Synthetic oils run at a higher level of efficiently, keeping your engine cleaner and your oil less contaminated with dirt and debris.
Conventional oils become polluted much more quickly, and can eventually start to form sludge if left unchanged for too long.
Synthetic oils begin with fewer impurities that combat debris build up and sludge formation.
A cleaner oil leads to a cleaner engine, which leads to improved fuel economy.
Extreme Temperatures
Synthetic motor oil performs better in very low temperatures, as well as very high temperatures.
Conventional oils do not adapt to polarizing weather conditions in the same way. Conventional oil takes longer to begin flowing through your engine. This is magnified in cold temperatures, meaning you must wait longer for adequate engine protection.
Synthetic oil also performs better in high temperatures. In the summer your engine can get very hot. Synthetic oil provides extra protection against your engine overheating.
Conventional oils will break down and evaporate more quickly in extreme heat.
Protects Engine Components
Synthetic oil provides better protection for your engines working components, like the pistons and other continually moving metal parts.
Cars being manufactured these days tend to have smaller engines to improve fuel economy. This involves adding a specialized turbo charger to increase engine power. These turbo chargers cause the engine to operate at higher temperatures.
Conventional oil is less effective for this type of engine because they break down faster due to high heat, and tend to leave behind deposits and debris.
This does not mean synthetic oil is not compatible with older vehicles, all engines can benefit from synthetic oil.
Lasts Longer
Not only is synthetic oil more effective and efficient, it also lasts longer. This means you will need to change it less frequently without having to worry about engine damage.
Valvoline Express Care Brampton
Valvoline Express Care is a professional automotive service provider in the Brampton area. Valvoline specializes in oil changes and can handle any other type of maintenance you may need for your automobile.
There are a variety of options to choose from when having your oil changed with Valvoline. You will have a couple different selections of synthetic oils to choose from to keep your vehicle protected and performing at optimal efficiency.