Replace or Repair? Autoglass Windshield Replacement

Replace or Repair? Autoglass Windshield Replacement

How can you tell if the damage to your windshield can be fixed with a minor repair or it needs a full replacement? The answer is not as straightforward as you might think. There are an array of factors to consider that determine what is best for your vehicle, safety, and your bank account.

Determining Factors

Let’s take a look at 4 of the most prominent factors that will help decide the best course of action to take for your windshield. When assessing the damage it is important to consider:

  • Severity
  • Location
  • Scale
  • Stability


The actual size of the blemish on your windscreen can help shed some light on the best method of resolution. Any chip or splintering that is larger than a loonie or a toonie may cause for concern. If the damaged area is any bigger than a toonie then there is a pretty good chance a simple repair will not do it. It also depends on where the damage is located on the windshield.


The location of the problem spot is also crucial to figuring out the next step. You may think that if the blemish falls in your line of vision while driving that would be the biggest concern for replacement. However, while that is usually true it is not always the case. A large blemish on the driver’s side in the direct line of view will likely call for a replacement because a repair may leave a mark that could impede visibility. A bigger problem is a crack or chip that reaches the edge of the windshield. If a crack extends to the edge of the windscreen it can affect the entire structure of the glass, making it unsafe for driving.


Much like severity, the scale of the damage also plays a role. How many cracks or chips are present on your windshield? If you have 1 to 3 small chips in various locations out of the driver’s range of vision then a repair is still a possibility. The more blemishes there are on your windshield, the greater chance there is of it shattering upon contact in the case of an accident.


The overall stability of your windshield will depend on a combination of all the above factors. How many cracks or chip are there? How big are the blemishes and where are they located? All of these elements will give a general picture as to whether your windshield is due for repair of replacement.

Tips for Managing a Windshield Replacement

If it has in fact been determined by the experts that a windshield replacement is in order, there are several precautions that should be taken after the replacement has been done to prevent the need for another replacement. Some aftercare suggestions that may be helpful include:

  • Ease in
  • Be gentle
  • Hold off on the wash
  • Blade replacement
  • Keep the dash clear
  • Weather considerations

Ease In

Give the new windshield time to set before driving it if possible. Even just a few hours can help the adhesives dry and allow the replacement to firm up and become stable.

Be Gentle

Once you are satisfied the adhesives have been set and sealed you can begin driving your vehicle again. Be careful of slamming doors or being too rough with your car as it could end up rupturing the seal which will need to be repaired.

Hold Off on the Wash

Again, avoid disrupting the adhesives from properly setting by prematurely washing your vehicle. Wait at least a couple of days before washing the exterior of your car.

Blade Replacement

If your wiper blades are rusty or damaged it is highly recommended to have them replaced before the windshield replacement or at least before you start driving your vehicle again.

Keep the Dash Clear

Avoid placing items on the dashboard, any outward pressure on the glass from the inside can also disturb the adhesive seal.

Weather Considerations

Keep your vehicle out of the rain and sun for at least 24 hours after an autoglass replacement. Both conditions can have harmful effects on the adhesive. It is recommended to avoid parking your car in the sun whenever possible as it is hard on your windscreen in general.

Autoglass Replacement Brampton

Valvoline Express Care Brampton has teamed up with Uniglass to deliver the ultimate in windshield care, repair, and replacement. The automotive professionals at Valvoline can help you assess your autoglass damage and help you decide the best way to fix it.

Motor Oil Selection – Valvoline Express Care Brampton

Motor Oil Selection – Valvoline Express Care Brampton

There is a wide selection of motor oils to choose from for your vehicle, depending on a variety of factors like make & model, age, driving conditions, driving frequency, and more.

Oil Change Brampton

Valvoline motor oil has been around for decades, as the company was first founded in 1866 when John Ellis discovered the lubricating properties of distilled crude oil. Since then, the experts at Valvoline have gone on to develop a diverse range of motor oils for different needs and applications.

Oil change services, information, and advice are available at Valvoline Express Care Brampton.

Types of Valvoline Motor Oil

Selecting the right motor oil for your vehicle can be overwhelming with so many possibilities and products to choose from.

Some of the most commonly used Valvoline motor oils include:

  • Valvoline Full Synthetic with MaxLife Technology
  • Valvoline SynPower Full Synthetic Motor Oil
  • Valvoline MaxLife Synthetic Blend Motor Oil
  • Valvoline Premium Conventional Motor Oil

Valvoline Full Synthetic with MaxLife Technology

If you are looking to treat your vehicle to a luxury oil, Full Synthetic with MaxLife technology is one of the finest around. Whether your vehicle is brand new or heavily used, this premium oil is designed to deliver optimal benefits for your engine for performance and longevity.

Some advantages of using Full Synthetic with MaxLife technology are:

  • Avoiding premature engine wear with ash-free, anti-wear agents
  • Special friction reducing additives improve fuel economy and horsepower
  • Preventative approach for new engines, preservative approach for well traveled engines
  • Special conditioners protect against leaks and block seal deterioration
  • High viscosity oil helps prevent engine seizure and breakdown

Valvoline SynPower Full Synthetic Motor Oil

This oil is designed to optimize performance by minimizing the heat and stress your engine is subjected to. Some of the impressive benefits include:

  • Better oil flow reduces ignition problems even in cold temperatures
  • Gives engine a thorough cleaning with varnish protection
  • Anti-wear additives offer extra protection against wear and tear
  • Oil viscosity remains stabilized even at extremely high temps
  • Better fuel economy
  • Safeguards engine against sludge deposits and overheating

Valvoline MaxLife Synthetic Blend Motor Oil

Looking to get the most longevity possible out of your vehicle? MaxLife Synthetic Blend Motor Oil could be the right choice for you. Some of the benefits include:

  • Heavily worn engines can get a boost of rejuvenation
    • Revitalization for engine with over 75,000 miles
  • Deposits and sludge are reduced with special detergents
  • Gas mileage and horsepower is increased with anti-oxidant additives
  • The 4 main sources of engine deterioration are combated with MaxLife
    • Friction caused by metal against metal components
    • Engine leaks
    • Grime and sludge deposits
    • Compromised fuel economy
  • Overall protection and promotion of engine longevity

Valvoline Premium Conventional Motor Oil

One of the original motor oils, this general purpose oil can be used in all types of climates and conditions. Advantages of using Valvoline Premium are:

  • Friction reduction for engine protection and better fuel economy
  • Improves engine efficiency by removing built up dirt, debris, sediment, and deposits
  • Anti-wear protection standards are met and exceeded
  • Solid oxidation control prevents oil from becoming excessively thick and abrasive

Brampton Oil Change

Want to learn more about the specifications and differences between motor oils? The professionals at Valvoline Express Care Brampton are always available for consultation. Earn points, rewards, and free Oil Change Coupons by downloading the app.

Get all your routine maintenance handled with care and efficiency to keep your vehicle running at optimal performance.

Auto Glass Repair is Critical for Vehicle Safety and Performance

Auto Glass Repair is Critical for Vehicle Safety and Performance

You likely don’t give your windshield a second thought when you are out on the road; you unconsciously rely on its protection to keep you and your passengers safe. That is, until an unexpected problem arises such as a chip or crack in your windscreen from a rogue stone or pebble flying up off the road.

Even the smallest blemish in your auto glass can escalate into far more serious issues if not addressed in a timely fashion.

What benefits does a fully intact windshield provide?

Aside from protecting your vision and keeping you physically safe from oncoming debris, your auto glass delivers other unseen advantages.

Structural Support

An undamaged windshield contributes to the stability and structure of your entire vehicle. If auto glass is cracked or broken in any way it offers far less protection in the case of an accident. A damaged windshield is not only more likely to shatter during a collision; it may also result in a collapsed roof and the risk of severe injury.

Blemishes in your windshield pose a far greater problem than merely an aesthetic eyesore.

What happens to a chipped windshield over time?

Ignoring any sort of blemish on your windshield is inadvisable as it will only continue to become more of a problem over time. The more it spreads the more expensive it is going to be to get it fixed.

External Factors

There are several factors that may contribute to the acceleration of the damage. For example, weather conditions and temperatures can have an effect on auto glass issues. Extreme weather can cause the windscreen seal to become loose, especially if the cracks extend to the edge. High winds can cause undue pressure on already compromised windshields to impose a greater safety risk and further damage.

A crack or blemish within the driver’s line of vision can affect how sunlight plays off the reflection of the glass. This can result in impaired visibility and a higher risk of accident and injury. Night vision can also be diminished and a similar reaction to sunlight can occur with bright or flashing lights making it difficult for drivers to see through a damaged windshield.

Driving infractions and Fines

Driving in Ontario with a damaged windshield may result in a driving infraction that you could be fined for. That just adds further expense to auto glass repair that could have been avoided if dealt with accordingly.

Why go to an auto glass repair expert for advice or service?

Most importantly, getting any sort of damage taken care of immediately, no matter how small, is highly advantageous for both cost of repair and the health of your vehicle. Getting the job done quickly may prevent the need for a full windshield replacement.

Tools and Skills

Advancements in auto glass repair technology have come a long way over the last several years to provide vehicle owners with more choices. Repair options have become more flexible, affordable, and faster so you don’t have to worry about downtime while you wait to get your vehicle back.

Windshield Repair Brampton

The auto glass experts at Valvoline Express Care Brampton can help determine the specific type of damage to your windscreen and present the best possible course of action to remedy the situation. a repair will be the first solution if it is possible to fix the blemish to allow full driver visibility and passenger safety.

Some of the benefits of taking your car to Valvoline for windshield repair are:

  • Save time and money
  • Improve safety and performance
  • Be environmentally responsible

Save Time and Money

I’m sure it comes as no surprise that a windshield repair is considerably less expensive than a replacement. The reward for taking the initiative to handle the problem as swiftly as possible is substantial cost savings.

Getting auto glass repairs done by a professional is also a great way to save time and money, ensuring it is taken care of properly the first time to avoid further problems and the need for a full replacement.

Improve Safety and Performance

Better driving visibility and a safer overall structure for your entire vehicle are two excellent reasons to address windshield damage immediately. Get peace of mind and sustain the value of your vehicle with auto glass care at Valvoline Express.

Environmental Responsibility

Every time a windshield is replaced the old one is destined to sit in a landfill with the rest of the damaged auto glass. Having your windshield repaired instead of replaced eases the burden on the environment with a considerable reduction in waste.

Rust Prevention Tips for Your Vehicle

Rust Prevention Tips for Your Vehicle

One of the most crucial factors a car owner must consider when it comes to maintenance is rust prevention. Protecting your vehicle from rust and corrosion is a serious undertaking because once rust forms it is difficult to eliminate, and damage and destruction done by rust is irreversible.

What is Rust?

Rust is a reddish brown oxide that can accumulate on iron and its alloys, like steel and other metals. Rust is formed when oxygen and moisture come into contact with these metals for prolonged periods. Rust is actually an iron oxide, which is created from electrochemical reactions produced by the combination of these elements.

Why is Rust Formation so Prevalent?

When you think of the components required for rust formation: oxygen, moisture, and metal, it is no surprise that rust and corrosion is problematic for a lot of car owners. Many vehicle owners tend to take on an attitude of surrender, believing there is no effective way to prevent rust from forming.

Obviously, your vehicle is made up of metal components, and it is going to be exposed to oxygen and moisture on a regular basis. Effective measures can be taken to stop rust before it starts.

Outdoor Elements

Depending on the season, there are a variety of outdoor elements and weather conditions to take into consideration. 

Canadian winters can ravage the metal components on your vehicle if not properly protected. Not only is there a continual presence of oxygen and moisture around your vehicle during the winter, there are also roads covered in salt and sand to contend with. Road salt accelerates the formation of rust and can easily get entrapped in the cracks and crevices or your vehicle, slowing breaking down the metals. 

As the weather changes and temperatures warm up, this is when those concealed salt deposits really start to go to work on corroding your vehicle. Canada’s changing seasons put an even greater burden on car owners to ensure vehicles are adequately safeguarded.

Is Manufacturer Rust Proofing Enough?

Automobile producers often take some precautions to prevent vehicles from rusting before the car is even driven off the lot. A technique called galvanization employs the use of chemical solutions to provide vehicles with a built-in layer of rust proofing.

However, this protection eventually wears off as time goes on and should be replaced with another form of rust proofing. Even small scratches on the body of your vehicle caused by rocks or debris coming off the road can compromise the effectiveness of manufacturer rust protection.

To ensure your car is fully protected, regular maintenance checks and rust proofing services can increase the value and life of your vehicle.

Tips for Rust Prevention

Engaging in a few helpful practices can help prevent rust from forming and destroying the body of your vehicle.

Some useful rust prevention tips, include:

  • Regular car washes
  • Wax and sealants
  • Cleaning and detailing
  • Expert rust proofing

Regular Car Washes

Having your car washed on a regular basis is not only good for the appearance, but also for performance and protection. A professional car wash will help remove any embedded salt, dirt, and other contaminants that can damage your vehicle.

Wax and Sealants

Applying wax or sealers after a wash is an effective way to protect the finish from chips and scratches. Your paintjob provides a good level of protection for the metal body, but if the metal becomes exposed, it is vulnerable to rusting. Waxing helps keep the finish intact.

Cleaning and Detailing

It is also critical to keep the inside of your vehicle clean to prevent rust formation. Rust damage can start from the inside of your car if it is not kept clean. Accumulated dirt and grime can attract moisture, creating the perfect conditions for rust and corrosion.

Professional detailing can help keep your vehicle in pristine condition, inside and out.

Rust Proofing Brampton

For professional rust proofing and auto maintenance in Brampton and the GTA, Valvoline Express Care offers an excellent solution.

The experts at Valvoline can help extend the life of your vehicle, while preventing rust, deterioration, and break down.


Tips for Choosing Effective Automotive Care

Tips for Choosing Effective Automotive Care

Choosing the right automotive service provider for all your routine maintenance requirements can be challenging. A couple of extremely important factors are most often selection of quality services and delivered economical value.

Many auto shops offer a wide range of services, but do not have the experience or training to deliver on promises of excellence. One good indication of the type of quality you can expect from an automotive service provider is how long they have been in business. Longstanding success is frequently based on skilled service at affordable prices with exceptional customer support.

Service You Can Trust

When searching for a trustworthy service provider for auto maintenance there are many factors to consider, such as:

  • Experience
  • Range of services
  • Convenience
  • Top of the line products
  • Customer support
  • Economical value

If you are looking for superior automotive services delivered by experienced and certified professionals, Valvoline Express Care Brampton is a smart choice.


A long business history is an excellent sign that you are likely to experience high quality service. With well over 20 years in the industry, Valvoline Express Care has a team of dedicated specialists to service your automotive needs with caring and efficiency. More than two decades of satisfied customers means consistent and effective performance and results.

Range of Services

Whatever your vehicle might be needing to keep it running at its full potential, the experts at Valvoline can provide it. Some of the useful services offered include:

  • Wiper replacement
  • Cooling system service
  • Radiator flush
  • Rust proofing
  • Oil changes
  • Brakes services
  • Tire rotation
  • Transmission services
  • Windshield replacement and repair
  • Batteries
  • Vehicle check-ups

This list gives you an indication of the extensive range of services offered at Valvoline Express Care. The list is not exhaustive so if you are looking for a service not on the list please inquire or drop in to find out more.


Vehicle troubles can strike at any time, so it is crucial to have a convenient option for advice and repairs. Whether it is for routine maintenance or a specific and urgent problem with the operation of your vehicle, the professional technicians at Valvoline are knowledgeable and skilled to solve your problem quickly and effectively.

Tip of the Line Products

A good automotive service provider stays on top of technological advancements to always be providing the best service and performance possible. Valvoline uses only high quality equipment, tools, and cleaning products to service your vehicle with the utmost care.

Valvoline has also developed a diverse range of quality motor oils over the last 150 years to provide your vehicle with the most practical and effective oil based on a variety of factors.

Customer Support

At the heart of any good business that deals with the public on a regular basis is superior customer service. Attentively listening to customer issues and determining the best course of action to arrive at an agreeable conclusion is crucial to customer service success.

Valvoline Express Care handles each customer query and request with respect, efficiency, and detailed attention. So many customers come back time and time again due to the pleasant interaction and satisfying results.

Economical Value

In the end it all comes down to getting good value for your dollar. Everyone wants to feel like they are getting the greatest benefit from their hard earned money.

No business stays running for over 20 years by delivering poor value for their services. You can expect the same excellence and customer satisfaction with every visit to Valvoline Brampton.

Rust proofing Brampton: what is rust and why is it such a problem?

Rust build-up is the result of a natural process where the iron in metals comes into contact with oxygen and water, causing it to corrode and deteriorate.
The thing about rust? It spreads quickly. Finding a spot of rust on the surface of your vehicle is no reason to panic. On the other hand, if your car is left outside all year long or you neglect to keep it clean, you are likely to have a bigger problem (rust spots that are larger than 12 inches in diameter require major repairs). When deep rusts sets in, it eats away at the undercarriage and cause components to break or fall off while you’re driving. This damage, which occurs through normal use, can be avoided. As soon as you notice even a small bubble, come by rust proofing Brampton. When you deal with rust early, it can save you no end of time and money in the long run.

Is your car showing signs of rust around edges? Better yet, do you want to prevent it from starting?

It is often much easier to prevent rust than to get rid of it. At rust proofing Brampton, our automotive specialists will inspect your paint’s finish for bubbles, scratches or dents. We will immediately remove rust spots before they progress and have the chance to spread.
You can be confident knowing we use a specially formulated compound coating that’s sprayed onto the undercarriage, providing a protective barrier to your vehicles most vulnerable areas. It starts working right away, and it’s recommended you do this rust check annually to help prolong the life of your vehicle (and to maintain your warranty).
Top 5 reasons to choose rust proofing Brampton

    • Higher resale value: rust-free vehicles sell quicker, for more money.
    • Longer lifecycle: by properly protecting the undercarriage, body panels and mechanical parts your vehicle will last longer.
    • Reduce repair costs: if left untreated, rust can spread to brake lines and cables, even your vehicles electrical system.
    • Safer vehicle: over time corrosion will compromise the structural integrity of your car.
    • Best rust proofing application: Diamond Kote provides complete protection for your vehicle, it’s components, and key metal parts.

Don’t let UV rays, acid rain, bird droppings and tree sap dull and fade the paint, and ruin the look of your vehicle over time! It’s never too late to start rustproofing your car, and remember: it’s what you can’t see that should concern you.
Protect your investment with rust proofing Brampton
Instead of leaving your vehicle vulnerable to damage this year, bring your car to rust proofing Brampton. Whether it’s your vintage or classic car, or simply a new investment – we will protect it for years to come. Our superior rust proofing treatment keep your vehicle looking and performing its best.